Default layout

This is the default layout provided by the EzPublishLegacyBundle. To override it, you can use the following configuration:

        # In ezplatform.yml or any imported config file.
        # Replace "my_siteaccess" to a valid SiteAccess or SiteAccess group name.
                        view_layout: YourBundle::pagelayout.html.twig

The legacy generated content

Visualizzazione predefinita dell'oggetto. Clicca per creare un template speciale, ID Nodo: 18149, ID Oggetto: 20308

Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters

Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters


Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters

Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters, "Come le viole" Live dal concerto a Torino

Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters

Video Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters, "Come le viole" Live dal concerto a Torino

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